
Payment Methods
Lascure currently supports PayPal payments.

Payment Security
We take security very seriously, so your personal details will be protected. We use the industry standard encryption protocol known as Secure Socket layer (SSL) and other reasonable measures to protect your information from unauthorized use or disclosure. All the confidential data like payment information is encrypted and transmitted through a secure channel using SSL encryption.

How to use credit card payment?
When you check out for your orders. The credit card payment will show on the checkout page. Enter your card number, expiry date, and card code. Then click “PLACE ORDER”, and you will complete your payment.

You are required to fill in your name, address, phone number, and email information in the billing details. Rest assured that we will protect your data and will not sell it to third parties. (Please refer to Privacy Policy)

We do not charge any fees before purchasing.
The payment of your order only consists of the goods’ total price. does not add any hidden charges or sales taxes. You don’t need to pay anything after the purchase unless in the following cases:

  1. When the carrier returns an undeliverable package because of an address problem to us, you will be charged for reshipping costs, if you require a refund. (Please refer to Shipping Policy.)
  2. For personalized products, if you need to cancel or replace the product or replace the personalized content, you will have to pay 30% of the product price as the customization fee if the product is already in production. (Please refer to Refund Policy.)
  3. The customer is responsible for return postage fees and replacement postage fees: Purchased the wrong item or chose the wrong size for the product. The product is not suitable. Personal Reasons due to personal taste, changed mind, etc. (Please refer to Refund Policy.)